Apple Music error 12171: What Does It Mean

Most of us listen to music daily, so when it breaks, it can be frustrating for sure. Therefore knowing some troubleshooting ideas is ideal to try to get this fixed as soon as possible. Whether you’re a new user of Apple Music or a long time one, you may be familiar with a range of error codes from Apple, however, what do they mean and how do you fix Apple Music error 12171?

Apple Music error 12171: What does it mean?

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash

Reddit users have found the issue stops certain songs from being played, and that they’re getting the error code ‘Operation could not be completed, an unknown error occurred 12171. With the users all reporting it on different songs. However, they all found they could listen to other songs by the same artist. However, we have compiled a list of some easy fixes for Apple Music Error 12171.

  • Refresh your internet connection via your router
  • Delete the song which isn’t working and redownload it
  • Reset your network settings
  • Try using Mobile Data and see if this fixes it
  • Remove any other music apps on your phone, e.g. Spotify
  • Restart your device

Operation error apple music how to fix

Photo by Heidi Fin on Unsplash

This error has been solved a number of ways by different Apple Music users, so we have rounded up 4 of the best solutions and how to do each of them.

1: Sign out and sign in again

An easy fix for this issue is to sign out of your Apple Music account, then sign back in again. This will refresh the data in the app and hopefully fix the error.

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2: Delete Apple Music and then Reinstall

Users have reported a huge success rate with deleting the Apple Music app completely and then reinstalling it. This is likely due to a bug in the existing software, therefore downloading the latest version has fixed the issue. Simply delete the app from your device, then go on the app store and reinstall it.

3: Turn off Dolby Atmos

Although the Dolby Atmos feature provides a wonderful surround sound experience, it hasn’t come without its fair share of issues. If you’re unsure where to find the settings for Dolby Atmos, here’s how to do it with ease:

  • Head to the settings cog on your phone
  • Browse (or scroll down to) Music
  • Halfway down the page, you should see Dolby Atmos, which is likely to have the setting as ‘automatic’
  • In this case, change it to off.

This has been reported as a successful fix for users on the Apple Support Forum.

4: Check if Apple Music is down

Of course, like all other apps, it is possible for Apple Music to be down. The Apple Music servers experiencing issues could be the reason you are getting the error, to find out if Apple is down, we’d recommend using the Down Detector to see what is happening. If you notice higher reports on outages than normal, then this is likely to be a universal issue.

Outdated Apple Music

If you don’t update your apps regularly, this could be an issue when it comes to Apple Music. As they release regular updates which usually have bug fixes in them. To make sure you’re running the latest version of the software. If you’re unsure as to whether you have the latest app, here’s how to find out:

  • Head to your app store
  • Search for the app, in this case, Apple Music
  • Next click the app you’re looking to update
  • If your app advises it needs an update and allows you to update it, this should fix your issue.

This was likely an issue as you were not running the latest version. In this case, we’d recommend updating the app, then closing it down and reopening it.

Download specific songs

When going to listen to certain songs and being greeted with the same error code can be frustrating. However, users have reported if they download a particular song to their device it plays as it should. Therefore for a temporary solution download any songs you are getting the error from.

Are you having issues listening to more than 15 seconds of your Apple Music? Here’s our guide on how to fix the error.

Apple music unknown error 42812

Photo by Pixabay

If you are experiencing the 42812 error on your iPhone or iPad, resetting the network settings can be a great help in this case. This helps to clear out any false network APNs, issues with the servers, and other cookies. To reset your Apple Music app, here’s how:

  1. To start, open your settings cog,
  2. Next apps > followed by apps and features
  3. Then select iTunes, followed by advanced options 
  4. Click the reset button 

After you’ve completed this all of your settings and files on Apple Music should go back to how they were originally. 

Apple Music App not functioning

When trying to use Apple Music via the app and encountering errors such as freezing or closing unexpectedly, it can be frustrating. However, we’d recommend force closing the app when this happens. If you’re unsure of how to force close your app, here’s how to go about it:

iPhone X and later

  1. From the home screen swipe up from the bottom
  2. Then pause in the middle of the screen
  3. Swipe right or left to find the app you want to close
  4. Finally swipe up on the app’s preview to force close it.

iPhone SE, 8, and earlier

If you’re using an earlier version of the iPhone, that has the touchpad, here’s how to force close the app:

  1. Double click the Home button, which will show you your most recently used apps
  2. Swipe through the apps to find the one you want to close down
  3. Swipe up on the app to close the app.


If you are a user of Apple Music and have been experiencing any of these issues, we hope our easy guide has been helpful in fixing Apple Music. However, if you appear to still have issues, we’d recommend trying another device to try to play your Apple Music. Alternatively, attempt to use a web browser version instead.

FAQ: Wichtige Fragen und Antworten

How do I fix Apple Music error?

Um den Apple Music-Fehler zu beheben, befolgen Sie diese Schritte: 1. Starten Sie die Musik-App neu. 2. Starten Sie Ihr Gerät neu. 3. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Internetverbindung. 4. Prüfen Sie, ob Apple Music aktuell ausgefallen ist. 5. Holen Sie sich die neuesten App-Updates. 6. Aktualisieren Sie Ihre Systemsoftware. 7. Überprüfen Sie Ihr Apple Music-Abonnement. 8. Entfernen Sie das Album oder den Song und fügen Sie ihn erneut hinzu. Diese Schritte sollten helfen, die meisten Probleme mit Apple Music zu beheben.

Why is my Apple Music blocking curse words?

Apple Music blockiert Schimpfwörter, weil die Plattform eine benutzerfreundliche Erfahrung bieten möchte und oft eine „saubere“ Version von Songs priorisiert. Um die Inhalte ohne Zensur zu hören, gehe zu den Einstellungen, suche nach Apple Music und deaktiviere „Dolby Atmos“. Dadurch sollten die Schimpfwörter wieder angezeigt werden.

How do I fix Apple Music restrictions?

Um die Beschränkungen in Apple Music zu beheben, folge diesen Schritten: 1. Gehe zu 2. Klicke auf den 'Mein Konto' Button (sieht aus wie ein Foto oder Monogramm) in der oberen rechten Ecke und wähle 'Einstellungen'. 3. Melde dich gegebenenfalls mit deinem Apple-Account an. 4. Unter „Kindersicherung“ gib deinen vierstelligen Code ein. Damit kannst du die Inhaltsbeschränkungen anpassen und die gewünschten Musikoptionen freischalten.

Why is there an error downloading music Apple Music?

Ein Fehler beim Herunterladen von Musik in Apple Music kann verschiedene Ursachen haben. Häufig liegt es an einer abgelaufenen Mitgliedschaft. Überprüfen Sie Ihre Apple Music-Abonnementeinstellungen, um sicherzustellen, dass Ihr Abonnement aktiv ist. Wenn es abgelaufen ist, erneuern Sie es, um weiterhin Songs herunterladen zu können.

Bist du neugierig auf weitere Artikel wie Apple Music error 12171: What Does It Mean? Entdecke spannende Inhalte in der Kategorie iPhone.

  1. Apple Music error 12171: What does it mean?
  2. Operation error apple music how to fix
    1. 1: Sign out and sign in again
    2. 2: Delete Apple Music and then Reinstall
    3. 3: Turn off Dolby Atmos
    4. 4: Check if Apple Music is down
  3. Outdated Apple Music
    1. Download specific songs
  4. Apple music unknown error 42812
  5. Apple Music App not functioning
    1. iPhone X and later
    2. iPhone SE, 8, and earlier
  6. Conclusion
  7. FAQ: Wichtige Fragen und Antworten
    1. How do I fix Apple Music error?
    2. Why is my Apple Music blocking curse words?
    3. How do I fix Apple Music restrictions?
    4. Why is there an error downloading music Apple Music?

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